The number one mistake puppy owners make in trying to socialize a puppy is flooding or overwhelming the puppy.

In the first 100 days of their lives, puppies should experience at least 100 new people, sights, sounds, smells, and environments. This is a recommendation given by Dr. Ian Dunbar, a world-renowned veterinary behaviorist. Socializing your puppy is very important and can prevent future behavior problems.
However, socializing your puppy doesn’t mean exposing your puppy to 100 people, sights, sounds, smells, and environments all in one day! The experience the puppy has needs to be a positive one, not a scary one. Puppies do best with exposure to new things in short, simple, and positive ways. So, instead of taking your brand new puppy to the flea market or to a pet store on a weekend, invite a friend over the house to meet your new puppy. The next day, take a walk wih your new puppy and explore the neighborhood. Make the next step taking a short visit to your veterinary office, during which time the puppy only receives love, attention, and treats, and no medical procedures. Then, take your puppy to a park on a day and time that isn’t busy. Keep the walk short and fun. If at any time your puppy seems overwhelmed, be sure to keep things positive and don’t increase the pressure. Take a day off from socialization exposure if you need to!
If you have a shy puppy, you may want to bring a confident, older dog (with whom the puppy has already bonded to) along for a field trip. Let the older dog model confident behavior for your puppy. Praise your puppy if your puppy follows the example. Sometimes puppies need time to observe and think about a situation. Sometimes puppies need more space and distance from something they are concerned about. And sometimes, you may need to bring a scary object (like a skateboard) into your home environment to work with your puppy in what is already a safe and familiar place.
Teamworks Dog Training has several great options for puppy socializtion. Our Puppy Class is designed to help new puppy owners work on gradual and positive exposure to new things, as well as learning some basic commands. Our Puppy Confidence and Agility Class is designed to help puppies work through “fear periods“. Our Doggie Dayschool can also help your puppy get some positive socialization, without being overwhelmed.
Michele Godlevski has been a Certified Behavior Consultant since 2004.
Michele Godlevski, ACDBC, CCBC-KA, CPDT-KA, CC