Positive Reinforcement Obedience Class


Are you looking for a traditional obedience class without the tradition of corrections? Once again, Teamworks will be offering a positive reinforcement based obedience class! It will be located in our new Wag Center. The basics of heel, sit, front, finish, turns, and stand will be covered. Of course, no shock collars, prong collars, choke chains or physical corrections will be allowed. Bring your treats and your clicker, and a toy if your dog loves toys as a reward. AKC Virtual Novice Obedience courses will be the goal. This course is 6 weeks long. The Canine Good Citizen test is a prerequisitie and Distraction Proofing Class is highly recommended.

Monday Evening
Instructor: Lloyd Newland
Youngsville Location
May 5 | Jul 14 | Sept 15 | Nov 3 

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