Pre-Agility Class

Pre-Agility Class

Agility Fundamentals and Focus when off leash

Class Goals:

The focus of this class is on strengthening the ability of the Canine Good Citizen dog’s ability to obey off-leash.   Positive reinforcement techniques are applied to teach the basic control commands of agility and to negotiate miniature and partial agility obstacles.  Dogs learn directional controls and targeting. The focus of this class is building confidence on the obstacles and establishing recognition of contact zones. Dogs will also learn to work off leash in the presence of other dogs.  This class can and should be repeated as needed until dog reaches class goals.  This class is held indoors at our Youngsville location.

  • Dogs must have a Canine Good Citizen title, CGC skills, or have passed the CGC on a head halter and
  • must not have aggression issues with well-mannered dogs.  (Take the Canine Good Citizen Evaluation)
  • Dogs should be at least 7 months age, of a healthy weight, and without health problems.
  • Distraction Proofing Class is highly recommended as a pre-requisite.
  • Pre-registration with pre-payment is required.
  • No shock collars, e-collars, prong collars or choke chains allowed in class.

Tuition: $220
Duration: Once a week for 7 weeks; First class is orientation, without dogs
Class Size: 6 Dogs Maximum

Day of the Week Offered

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday

Click date to register

Monday Classes

8:00pm – 9:00 pm
Instructors: Ann Tice & Amy Black
Training Hall, Youngsville Location
Oct 28 (2024) | (2025) Jan 6 | Mar 10 | May 12 | Jul 14 | Sept 22

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Wednesday Classes

Instructors: Paula & Spencer Botkin
Training Hall, Youngsville Location
(2025) Jan 8 | Mar 12 | May 7 | Jul 9 | Sept 10 |

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