Leash Reactive Dogs Class

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Leash Reactive Dogs Class

This class is for the dog that gets vocal when greeting people or dogs on leash.  It is for the dog that lunges, pulls on leash, and growls or barks uncontrollably during walks.

Class Goals:

The focus of this class is to help owners teach their dogs to greet people and other dogs calmly.  Dogs will learn that self-control will get them the attention they desire.  Dogs learn to walk on a loose leash, calmly greet a person, and calmly pass by another dog.  Problem-behavior trouble-shooting and active, participatory classes.  Your dog should have already taken a basic manners class of some type where sit, down, come were taught. If you are not sure this is the correct class for your dog, please consider an in-home behavioral consultation.

  • This class is for the dog who barks at other dogs and people while on leash. This class is not for the dog who has bitten /tried to bite people or the dog who cowers, back up, and growls (please see InHome Behavior Consultation or Behavior Adjustment Training Private Lessons)
  • at people.
  • Please Note: If your dog displays these behaviors at home or around the neighborhood, please sign up for anInHome Behavior Consultation first, to be sure the home environment is set up for the dog to succeed.
  • Dogs must be at least 6 months of age at the start of class.  No upper age limits.
  • All dogs must have Rabies and DHPP vaccinations or titers.   Proof of vaccinations or titers must be brought to first class.  Dogs without proof of vaccinations or titers will not be able to participate.  Pre-registration and pre-payment required.
  • Pre-registration with pre-payment is required.
  • Attendance at orienation is required.
  • Sorry – no children under 18 allowed in this class.
  • Please note: These classes sometimes fill up two months ahead of start date.  Please send in your application early!

Tuition: $250 
Duration: Once a week for 6 weeks; First class is orientation, without dogs
Class Size: 4 Dogs Maximum

Offered Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 

Click date to register

Tuesday Class
10:00am-10:45am  |  4:00pm -4:45 pm

Training Hall, Youngsville Location
Jan 2 | Mar 5 | May 7 | Sept 17 | Nov 5

Wednesday Class
9:30am -10:15 pm
Training Hall, Youngsville Location
Jan 3 | Mar 6 | May 8 | Jul 17 | Sept 18

Sunday Class
8:00pm -8:45 pm
Location: The Training Hall, Youngsville
Mar 3 | May 5 | Jul 7 | Sept 8 | Nov 3

Private Behavior Modification Lessons
Also available in Raleigh with Mandy Baker & Mike Wallace

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