Dock Diving Event Description
- First and foremost, this is a FUND-RAISER and a FUN-RAISER 😊.
- This is a contest, being held at a NADD dock diving event at Teamworks Dog Training in Youngsvile, NC on July 26-28, 2024.
- Anyone who is entered in at least one splash of Distance Jumping at the Teamworks NADD event can participate in the contest. A dog can be entered in just one of the contests, or all of them (see form).
- There are three contests: Best of Breed Jump, Best of Breed Group Team Average, and Best of Division Jump.
- For the Breed Group Team contest, each entrant will be categorized using AKC Breed Groups, with Mixed Breeds being their own breed group. Each Breed Team group will have an Open and a Lap Division.
- As of 2024, you do not have to have more than one of a breed present at the event to be eligible for any of the contests.
- Enter a contest by filling out a contest entry form. Only distance jumps will be used in calculating scores for the contests. Once a dog is entered in a contest, all distance jumps for that dog will be used in the contest. Forms cannot be changed after they are turned in. Jumps cannot be withdrawn from the NADD event after the form is turned in.
- Each person will be issued a color-coded wrist band so we can keep track of what contest you are entered in. You must wear this wrist band on the dock when you jump the dog that is entered in the contest.
- Entry forms must be submitted at the event, and no later 9am, before the first jump of the day. Only the person jumping a dog can enter that dog in the contest. No entry forms will be accepted after 9am on Sunday.
- A minimum donation of $10 to the Romanian League in Defense of Animals, which is taking in homeless animals from Ukraine. You can donate online https://rolda.org/ and bring a receipt in (preferred), or you can bring cash or a check (written to Teamworks, but with ROLDA donation written in the memo field).
- T-shirts are available to support this charity and will be available at the event.
- Medals will be awarded to the winners from all three contests on Sunday, after the last distance jump and before HD begins. Winners do not have to be present but must pay postage if they want their medal to be mailed to them.
- There may be some other toy prizes awarded for “most leisurely return swim” and “most unusual throw”. These prizes will be determined by the judges.
- In the event of inclement weather on Sunday that completely prevents us from having the Sunday event, we will conclude the event on Saturday. However, as long as we are able to jump on Sunday, we will conclude the event on Sunday. Any changes in the event will be posted on the Teamworks website.
- This contest is not in any way affiliated with North America Diving Dogs – it is simply a charity fundraiser. All NADD rules and regulations and facility rules still apply to the event.
- Event Address: 195 Robbins Rd, Youngsville, NC 27596 (business driveway)
Click here for checklist | Click here for event flyer
This year’s t-shirts

last updated 7/28/24
Best of Division Contest | Best of Breed Contest | Best of Breed Groups Contest
last updated 7/31/23
Please note these are averages of all jumps, not actual jumps and the numbers have been converted to decimal form.


Join us next year for Battle of the Breeds the last weekend of July!