Cool agility workshops for some hot training topics!
Topics Include: Proofing, Games, & Specific Agility Skills
(Click date to register)

Workshop | Description | Dates |
Agility Distraction Proofing | Is your dog tempted by all of the smells, sights, and sounds of a trial environment? Have you ever found yourself thinking “I really need to proof that”…and then you never get around to it? Well, then this workshop is for you! I will give you a simple and fun course to run with your dog. Then I will gradually introduce common (but enticing) distractions. I will make sure your dog does not go over threshold and I will control access to the distraction so your dog is not rewarded by it. Positive reinforcement will be given to your dog for making the right choice — focusing on you and the course. This workshop is open to any dog who is competing in agility or is preparing to compete. Instructor: Michele Godlevski | Tues 9am Mar 4th |
Agility Skills & Drills | If you feel like you have two left feet when you try to do a handling cross, this workshop is for you. Being a former tennis player, I value the concept of practicing drills to perfect mechanical skills. I will set up fun drills for different types of crosses and jump patterns (like serpentines) so that you can perfect your footwork and timing. This workshop is open to any dog who is competing in agility or is preparing to compete. Instructor: Michele Godlevski | ___________ Tues 9am Mar 11th |
Beginner Weaves | This workshop will be dedicated to teaching the weaves using the two-by-two method. Instructor: Di Henry | dates tbd |
Contact Proofing | Work on dogs understanding of the behavior for stopped contacts at all levels Instructor: Diana Henry | dates tbd |
Contrast Training | Do you ever wonder if your dog is actually memorizing the sequence instead of listening to you? Well, we are going to find out in this workshop! We will present and adjust sequences to challenge both your dog’s understanding as well as your handling cues. This seminar is appropriate for dogs 9 months and older and will use jumps and tunnels only. Challenges can be adjusted based on the team. Instructor: Michele Godlevski | Tues 9am Mar 18th |
Distance Skills | Distance sequences can be very difficult for a dog unless you train them. In this workshop we will give you drills to build distance away from your dog while running agility. This workshop is also good for dogs who need to work on more obstacle focus and less handler focus. This workshop is open to any dog who is competing in agility or is preparing to compete. Instructor: Michele Godlevski | Tues 9am Mar 25th |
Finding & Running Lines | Work on the most effective way to run your dog thru course challenges. Where to place your front, blind cross or rear cross based on your dog’s needs. Instructor: Diana Henry | Tbd |
Gamblers & Jackpot Basic Strategy | Gamblers / Jackpot is considered by many to be the most difficult agility game. However, it is required for the ADCH and the C-ATCH. Once you learn how to play this game, and practice it, you will feel more confident in the ring. Instructor: Michele Godlevski | Tbd |
ISC Challenges | Run an ISC course, featuring international-style course sequences. Instructor: Di Henry | Tbd |
Jumping Grids for Smoother Crosses | Perfect your crosses and timing by working through jumping sequences. Instructor: Instructor: Michele Godlevski | Tues 9am Apr 1st |
Handling Skills | Are your cues clear to your dog … Work on your front, blind & rear crosses to improve your timing for your dog. Instructor: Diana Henry | Tbd |
Outside of the Box Sequences | This workshop will feature some interesting challenges from recent courses. Things like the first jump heading away from the course and toward the exit, handler-restrictions (forced layers), tunnels at odd angles under contacts, weave poles into “nothing”, etc. Come and practice these creative but legal sequences so you and your dog are not taken off guard! Dogs should have completed Obstacle Proficiency Class or its equivalent. Instructor: Michele Godlevski | Tues 9am Apr 8th |
Pitstop / Tunnelers Skills | Handling skills for navigating a Pitstop or Tunnelers course can be very different than the skills needed on a Standard Course. Come join the tunnel fun and improve your crosses! Dogs must be confident with tunnels and handler should know the basic crosses. Instructor: Michele Godlevski | Tbd |
Really Reliable Weaves | Designed for those who have 6 solid weaves but want more reliable weave pole performances. We’ll work on improving entries, commitment to complete & more independence. Instructors: Michele Godlevski * Di Henry | Tbd |
Snooker Skills | Of all of the agility games, Snooker can be the most difficult to play until you learn the rules. However, once you learn how to plan a course and how to navigate bobbles, it can be downright addictive. In this workshop I will teach you the basics of Snooker (a USDAA & CPE game). This workshop is also good for dogs who need to work on more handler focus and less obstacle focus. This workshop is open to any dog who is competing in agility or is preparing to compete. Instructor: Michele Godlevski | Tbd |
Verbal Obstacle Discrimination | There are times on course where you just can’t get there to handle your dog’s path. In these times, verbal obstacle discrimination is the difference between a Q and and NQ. This workshop will cover how to systematically teach your dog verbal cues. Instructor: Michele Godlevski | Tbd |

Dudley will be back Dec 21-22, 2024
Masters/International Handling Course analysis and appropriate handling technique selection and execution to reach your goals! Sat Dec 21, 2024 | 9am-noon | Working Spot | Auditor Spot Finding & Running Lines Longer Novice/Open sequences, deciding on how to decide lines/turns, Timing of handling, choices of cues. Sat Dec 21, 2024 | 1pm-4pm | Working Spot | Auditor Spot Young Dogs Sequencing Putting the pieces together in 8-12 obstacle sequences, making sure foundation is strong and cues are consistent and timely! We’ll be using jumps and tunnels only as the primary focus of this seminar is communication skills. Sun Dec 22, 2024 | 9am-noon | Working Spot | Auditor Spot Handler Mental Management Included with sequence analysis, this session offers opportunities to play some situational awareness games. Handlers who can respond quickly to the unexpected are able to maintain connection and keep runs on track. Like any other skill, awareness and responsiveness grow when we practice Sun Dec 22, 2024 | 1pm-4pm | Working Spot | Auditor Spot *Standard Cancellation Policy applies to all seminars. Please do not hold a spot you do not pay for in full. |