Teamworks Instructors
Our instructors have nationally recognized dog training titles or have passed a certification exam and participated in an apprentice program. We recognize that dog training is primarily about coaching humans to understand and communicate with their dogs, and we hire only team players with good people skills.
Would you like to be a Teamworks Assistant? or Instuctor?
Email the office for more information
Michele Godlevski
Certified Behavior Consultant, B.S, in Genetic Engineering and Biology
Founder and Owner of Teamworks Dog Training
Passed trainer certification and behavior certification exams given by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, and the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers. Interned with Jean Donaldson at the San Franciso SPCA Academy and received The Academy Certified Canine Behavior Counselor title (CC). Interned with Pat Miller of Peaceable Paws, and with Sue Sternberg on the topic of behavior modification. Took four weeks of training with Bob Bailey and Marian Breland-Bailey in Hot Springs Arakansas, including an instructor’s training seminar. (N.A.D.O.I.) certification in Manners & Agility Instruction, Championship Level Titles in Agility including ADCH-4, MACH-4, C-ATCH-14, CPE 10K Points Award, LAA, Barn Hunt Championship RATCHx11, Canine Scent Sport Championship CCSS-LCH. Excellent Elite titles in Scent Work, and SWE, CPE Canine Scent Sport SNITCH Championship title, Excellent title in Rally RE, Titled in Competition Obedience CD, U-CD, Intermediate Tricks Title, Author of 4 dog training books
(Group Class Training Director, Agility Classes, Scent Work Classes, Behavior Consultations, Dock Diving Judge and Certified Measuring Official for NADD)
Contact Michele
Jules Asbed
Certifed Scent Work Instructor, Titled in Scent Work, Barn Hunt, Herding, Agility, Tracking, and Water Dog sports. (Barn Hunt classes & Urban Rat Sports Classes)
Contact Jules
Mandy Baker
C.P.D.T.-K.A., C.B.A.T.I, CCUI
Certified Behavioral Adjustment Training Instructor- Knowledge Assessed (CBATI) Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed (CPDT – KA), Certified Control Unleashed Instructor (CCUI); Certificate of Excellence from Living & Learning With Animals Program, Certified Instructor, Titled in Agility & Scent Work,
Championship in Canine Musical Freestyle, Group Class Instructor (Leash Reactive Dogs Class)
Contact Mandy
Amy Black
Titled in Agility, Barn Hunt, and Dock Diving
(Puppy, Puppy Confidence, Pre-Agility)
Paula Botkin
Titled in Agility, Scent Work, Conformation, Pack Dog and Drafting. AKC Breeder of Merit.
(Puppy, Puppy Confidence, Pre-Agility)
Spencer Botkin
Championship title in Agility; titled in Barn Hunt, Pack Dog, Weight Pulling, Carting.
(Puppy, Puppy Confidence, Pre-Agility)
Christie Canfield
Teamworks Certified Instructor, AKC Fetch Judge, Titled in Dock Diving, Freestyle and Tricks
(Puppy, Puppy Confidence, CGC, Distraction Proofing, Therapy Dog)
Contact Christie
Susan Cicone
AKC Approved Evaluator for CGC, CGCA, CGCU, S.T.A.R. puppy, Trick Dog, and Temperament Testing
Grand Champion in Conformation, titled in Agility, Obedience, Rally, CGC, CGCA, CGCU, Therapy Dog,Trick Dog (see Susan’s full bio)
(Rally Classes)
Contact Susan
Diana Henry
Agility Instructor (Pre-Agility, Novice, Open, Excellent, International Courses)
(Championship titles in Agility)
Contact Diana
Bernice Linn
Certified Instructor, Sports Sampler Classes
Championship Title in Agility and Barn Hunt
Contact Bernice
Sheila McHugh
Championship in Agility and Championship in Flyball
(Flyball lessons, Beginner, Intermediate,and Obstacle Proficiency Agility classes)
Contact Sheila
Lloyd Newland
Titled in Rally and Carting, Certified Instructor
(Puppy, CGC, Distraction Proofing, & Agility Classes)
Contact Lloyd
Vicci Newland
Championship in Agility
(Puppy, CGC, Distraction Proofing, & Agility Classes)
Contact Vicci
Amanda Rodieck
Titled in Dock Diving
(Dock Diving Groundwork & Foundations, Canine Fitness & Conditioning, and Puppy Confidence & Agility Classes, and private lessons)
Contact Amanda
Dana Shulman
ABCDT Certified Dog Trainer, CPDT-KA
Titled in Dock Diving, Fast Cat, Tricks. Agility, Disc
Group Class Instructor
Contact Dana
Ann Tice
Titled in Agility
(Puppy, Puppy Confidence, Pre-Agility Group Classes)
Lisa Triggs
Masters Degree (MSc), (CPDT-KA), a NATE Treibball judge, multiple Treibball Championship titles, Treibball Instructor, Cooperative Care Instructor, Agility Championship title
Contact Lisa
Jacquie Vena
Assistant Kennel Manager, Certified Instructor, CPDT-KA
Contact Jacquie
Mike Wallace
M.S., C.C.
Certified Canine Behavior Consultant, IAABC
(Behavior Modification Classes)
Contact Mike